Sunday, 29 September 2013

Let's Play Recoil!

Well I wanted to start this let's play when October started but I was just much too excited and I think in the process I recorded a 25 minute video. Lets be honest, who is going to sit and watch a 25 minute video of a noob. I can't be bothered cutting it down so the next ones are going to be shorter (I hope). I'm also pretty sure that this is not what my voice sounds like... I hate my voice in recordings but that must be what I sound like everyday and I don't even know it!
Well I hope anyone that watches it enjoys it :)

Until Next Time


Thursday, 26 September 2013

A gamers predicament

I have been loving my new PC and just playing on it a tonne. I have wanted to put a lets play video up for a while or what I like to call a how not to play video. I just can't decide on the content! I am just full of ideas and trying to decide which one to pick first! I usually end up coming home from work and playing 5 hours of dota and then going to sleep... I really want to share my gaming so that people can point me in the right direction to actually becoming half decent. I really wanted my first video to be on Minecraft however I still can't find a server I actually want to join... So I think my only option is to create my own! This could be a really fun experience or it could be the complete opposite if I don't do this right. I am mainly trying to decide whether to host my own server or if I should pay to have it hosted else where... decisions, decisions!
As I have said earlier I am rubbish at Dota and am a little too embarrassed to be uploading any videos to do with that. My other option is my all time favorite game from my childhood; Recoil. It is this game where you are a tank and you kill other tanks and complete missions. I have only just worked out how to install it on this PC as it is a 1998 game so its super old but honestly the funnest game. The other issue I have is that the campaign would take 4 hours max to complete so the fun doesn't last all that long and because I have played it before I can easily win the game in 4 hours. Here is a screen shot from Recoil.

I have 10 games waiting to be installed on my computer but my addiction with Dota is just taking over my gaming life and I really don't know what to do! One thing I have been really enjoying is all of the Dota fan art that pops up on my tumblr. I reblog heaps of it and heaps on Pokemon stuff, anime stuff, Cosplay stuff and much much more. If you want to follow me on tumblr or just have a stickbeak click here. The layout and stuff is all pretty basic but I have heaps on my blog which I really like and I think other gamers may enjoy the content as well. I will eventually link this in my "About me" page when I am fully organised :)

Until next time,


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Who says I'm too old for Pokemon?!

In between playing Dota, trawling for a decent Minecraft server, working, studying, eating and sleeping I have been trying to rewatch and catch up on my Pokemon! I am currently watching the first season. I stopped watching after the movie with Celbi in it. I am also playing Pokemon Fire Red in my spare time (what spare time???). I have been addicted to Pokemon since I was in Primary school when the Trading Card Game was popular and we had the old school cards that just looked so much better than the new ones. I am kind of hesitant to watch new episodes of Pokemon as I don't want to ruin this childhood love that I have had for Pokemon.
I have been in an extremely good spending mood lately and dished out some cash to finish off my base set. I had to buy most of the holographs and let me tell you now they are not cheap... I would love to complete Gym Heroes next. By the looks of it those ones are going to cost an arm and a leg as well. I hate having addictions...
Its so funny because I haven't watch Pokemon in literally... forever! But I remember every episode like it was yesterday! I would love to do a lets play with the pokemon games and especially when I can get my hands on a Rom for the X & Y game which comes out in 20ish days I think. I am pretty nervous to do a lets play as I am just not as skilled as everyone else on the net (which is to be expected). I am pretty thick skinned though so its not like people saying mean stuff will deter me from anything (although gamers can be assholes!).
Wish I didn't have to work... I would be at home Dotaing...
Have a Poke pic!
Do you remember this episode?! They get stuck in the snow and it was just so sad when I thought they were gonna die! I mean who honestly lets their 10 year old son go out in the wild and almost done... Parenting 101! Its almost as sad as when he lets butterfree go :( Anyways... I'll stop reminiscing now...

Until next time,


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Dota 2: the obsession

Well I have literally only been playing Dota 2 since I got my new PC. It is such an amazing game despite all the people on my facebook telling me League of Legends is the way to go. Honestly, I haven't tried Lol yet but I am so addicted to Dota that changing games now may send me into shock...
I have taken a real liking to Lion and his awesome abilities. I just stun and hit them with the finger and most enemies are dead otherwise I will hex them and hit them till they die. I have played maybe 12 games of Dota now and have won 5 games so I am doing ok so far. Another hero I really like is Windrunner but I am not as good at her as I am with Lion.
The game play for Dota is quite straight forward, destroy the enemies base. It is the extensive range of heroes, items and strategies that has me reading every wiki page on the internet about Dota.
On a different note, I have also installed Skyrim and have been playing that as well. I used to play it on a regular basis when I lived in Thailand and it was one of my favorite games. Starcraft 2 also featured in my favorite games but I think I preferred watching Husky commentate games than me actually play.
Once I throw my Dota obsession I will start trying to find a decent server to play Minecraft on and possibly upload some videos. Unfortunately I am absolutely rubbish at Dota that I would be too embarrassed to upload any videos of me playing :)

Until next time,


Thursday, 19 September 2013

...And we're off!

Finally my first blog post!

I have been waiting so long to be able to do this. I have been preparing and anxiously waiting for the time when I could finally launch my own online blog. After spending thousands of dollars on a new PC, new games and waiting weeks for all the parts to get here my gaming blog is moments from staring. Now I know that the gaming blog/vlog thing has been over done and the market is just saturated with blogs and videos but I am doing this for myself. I love gaming to death, I would quit my job and just game all day if it paid the bills and could keep my expensive lifestyle going but alas I don't think this will be making an income at all. I'm doing this for the love! :)

So, to start I want to talk about the games that I love to play and what I want to cover in my blog. I am an old school gamer, I grew up in the 90's when the graphics were gritty but the game play was challenging! It was when Pokemon was popular and Mario ruled supreme. The old school Nintendos and the old Sony 1 was what I used to play when I could. My new PC has been jammed pack with Roms and Emulators from all those old 90's games. However, new games are going to make appearances in this blog as well. At the moment I am playing Skyrim, The Walking Dead, Starcraft 2, Dota 2, Minecraft and many more that still all need installing.

My goal is to be uploading 3-5 new videos and week and posting blogs whenever I can. I don't care if they don't get read they are kind of like my own little gaming journal that I can be proud of. Honestly, I suck at gaming but I love it and I want to share that passion with a community of people. If this ever does get read, give me ideas! Tell me games I should play and try out. I am pretty versatile and like most games.

Until next time,
