Saturday, 21 September 2013

Dota 2: the obsession

Well I have literally only been playing Dota 2 since I got my new PC. It is such an amazing game despite all the people on my facebook telling me League of Legends is the way to go. Honestly, I haven't tried Lol yet but I am so addicted to Dota that changing games now may send me into shock...
I have taken a real liking to Lion and his awesome abilities. I just stun and hit them with the finger and most enemies are dead otherwise I will hex them and hit them till they die. I have played maybe 12 games of Dota now and have won 5 games so I am doing ok so far. Another hero I really like is Windrunner but I am not as good at her as I am with Lion.
The game play for Dota is quite straight forward, destroy the enemies base. It is the extensive range of heroes, items and strategies that has me reading every wiki page on the internet about Dota.
On a different note, I have also installed Skyrim and have been playing that as well. I used to play it on a regular basis when I lived in Thailand and it was one of my favorite games. Starcraft 2 also featured in my favorite games but I think I preferred watching Husky commentate games than me actually play.
Once I throw my Dota obsession I will start trying to find a decent server to play Minecraft on and possibly upload some videos. Unfortunately I am absolutely rubbish at Dota that I would be too embarrassed to upload any videos of me playing :)

Until next time,


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