Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Axe Says Good Day Sir!

Well I guess while the boss is away I might update the old blog post which has been slightly neglected! I was supposed to be doing A-Z on Dota and I am pretty sure I am up to Axe so I will continue on with this and try and make my blog posts much more regular.
Why is it only Thursday?? Wish it was Saturday!
Also the weather has been horrible... I have been at home with the air con all day every day and I can just feel the electricity bill climbing through the roof L Thank God I am at work a lot which provides air-conditioning!
Axe is a hero I haven't played in a while so I will need to refresh myself by looking at his profile.
Axe is a melee strength hero who is tanky as hell and I have played against so many great Axe players that can easily crush me. Axe is also an efficient jungler with his Counter Helix attack. It's a 17% chance to release this passive attack and the cool down to proc it increases slightly each level up so I wouldn't bother with it too much early on.
So the best advice to give is have on point in Counter Helix for early harass especially if you're up against another melee and then chuck as many points in Battle Hunger as possible. I would be getting a stout shield, some tangos, a salve and a soul ring recipe for starting items and obviously building into a soul ring and then treads. I would have the treads in mana apart from when using the soul ring as Axe has pretty bad mana.
Battle Hunger along with a soul ring is pretty spam able. If you have three levels of Battle Hunger you are doing 350 damage (25 damage over 14 seconds) if they don't kill a creep. You are also receiving an increase in speed of 10% while the enemy is slowed by 8%. It is very useful early on and against another melee, you will surely win the lane. It is most effective to go hard lane and shut down their safe lane carry early on.
Axe is a snowball hero and getting early kills helps immensely. Getting Vanguard is when you start your ganking. If you're in the hard lane and they have a jungler, seek them out. Natures Prophet can't teleport if you use Bersker's Call and you will kill him with this plus you're Battle Hunger and right click power. Ganking mid lane is also a good idea if you can set it up with the mid hero in your team.
A situational item would be Blade Mail; you would get this against heroes with spells/attacks that do a lot of damage in one hit. For example getting against Husker will mean he can't use his ulti on you or will kill himself in one go. Ursa and Bloodseeker are also good examples. Blink Dagger is a must and I would get this before Blade Mail if you were going to get it. Blink Dagger allows you to blink in, Beserker's Call, spin a few times with Counter Helix and chop down any left over's with your ultimate Culling Blade.
I would upgrade Culling Blade whenever possible. It easily finishes off an enemy. If an enemy is killed with Culling Blade your cool down is automatically reset and your team receives a 40% speed increase for 6 seconds. The mana is also relatively low and if you use it to kill enemies you have no cool down so it easily spam able.
If your farm is going well get yourself an Ahgs Scepter, this will improve your stats and is beneficial to your ulti. I would pick up EITHER Assault Cuirass if no one else has built this or a Heart of Tarrasque. A Pipe of Insights is also useful and beneficial to the whole team. Shiva's Guard is another item I would be trying to pick up on Axe.
Well that is it from me about Axe. I will be doing another post over the weekend to give you a preview of how my Templar Assassin cosplay is going because I have actually started sewing it together! It is so far from being finished but it is coming along slowly!

Enjoy your week :D

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