Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A-Z: Alchemist

Well it is week two of the challenge and I have played a few games with Abaddon. Unfortunately they were all terrible which is why have not uploaded anything yet. Anyhow I decided to move onto Alchemist. Alchemist is one of my favorite carries. If he gets enough farm he can slay basically anyone he comes into combat with. He has a great stun in unstable concoction although it can backfire easily if not thrown quickly enough. I really like Acid Spray as well because it is useful when you are in laning phase and getting harassed a lot. Greevil's Greed is awesome for getting Alchemist farmed up and when maxed out gives a heft bonus gold. Alchemist's Ultimate Chemical Rage is basically a transportable fountain. Just pop this and it is extremely difficult to kill you. One thing I have learnt since starting this A-Z blog is that you should not follow guides on how to build heroes. It is useful when first starting out but using these as an ultimate guide is a huge mistake. For example I was playing with one of my friends the other night and the first thing he does is max out Greevils Gold and Unstable Concoction and doesn't put any points into Acid Spray. Although maxing out Greevil's Greed will help your farm early game this particular Alchemist was laning against Dark Seer. Alchemist fed like crazy and ultimately lost us the game. If I was laning against Dark Seer in this case I would have put my first couple of points in Acid Spray. I could have harassed from a distance and picked up some gold while not getting near enough to be affected by Dark Seer's shield. The Alchemist just could not come back from the early game loss of farm. It is really important to make sure to upgrade your skills when they are needed and not because a build told you that was the best possible order. Alchemist items can be varying but what I like to go with when starting is tangos quelling blade and ring of protection. Quelling blade is great with Alchemist and gives him 32% chance of extra damage. I like to then phase into a hand of midas before 10 minutes. I feel a hand of midas is not as effective if purchased after 10 minutes and can really boost your farm. Boots are an obvious must and I will generally go with phase or even treads depending if i need extra speed or bonus to my hp/mana. Maelstrom would be my next item of choice as it also helps to increase your farming speed, damage and movement speed. After this I will usually go for a Shadow Blade as it is really useful for sneaking up on enemies and stunning them. If needed I would go with a Black King Bar. Generally I would then move to increase my Armour and would get Assult Cuirass which makes you hit extremely fast OR a Heart of Tarrasque to boost my health. I like to also get a Monkey King Bar if I am facing up against Phantom Assassin or Windrunner whose abilities can make me miss hits or go with a Daedalus. Among this I would also be aiming to upgrade my Maelstrom into Mjollnir which upgrades your attack speed as well. 
I think these items are all very well suited to Alchemist and I have usually won using this build. 

On another note I have started my Tomb Raider 2013 let's play. I am really excited about it and can't wait to make the next episode!

My favorite cosplayer Eve Beauregard did a really cool Lara Croft cosplay:

You can check her stuff out here : https://www.facebook.com/EveeBeau

I really admire her, she has made me want to become a cosplayer which is what I am working towards this year!

Thanks for reading/visiting!

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