Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Fun Ends Here

Hello lovely reading people,

So I usually do a blog post on Mondays and I am pretty sure it is now Friday. You may or may not have noticed that no blog post was done for this week.. I know right! Well there was a reason behind this and I shall explain and then go onto my usual ramblings on how I like to play Anti Mage fufufufufu.

So the reason was I wanted to wait until I got my new keyboard, mouse and headset! I am super happy with them that I had to make a not about them. Well the headset and mouse came in a little pack together and are both a lovely orange color (which is the best color and the same as my PC). To be more specific it was the SteelSeries Heat Orange bundle pack:
It came with the neat mouse pad as well! I love the matte material on the side of the mouse, it is so silky smooth to use... I am in love!
Oh but did I forget to mention my new keyboard. Gosh! Words can't describe how in love I am with this inanimate object... The Ducky Shine Zero! It is just beautiful with a black light underneath, it clicks so quietly and just is amazing to type with. At work I have a crappy Microsoft keyboard that just makes me sad to come to work. I sometimes think about bringing my keyboard with me. I think the sheer amazingness of it would destroy my work computer though which is about 7 years old... boss time for an update I think!
Isn't she beautiful! *o*
Did I mention that I like orange????
One other large purchase I made was my sewing machine! Cosplaying is so close I can taste it. I am just so excited and I have planned the costume I will make. It will be awesome so please stay tuned for that fun adventure. 

Okie dokie so now that we have cleared that up lets talk about Magina the Anti Mage. He is one bad ass dude who is so awesome when he gets farmed. So his skills and how I like to build them. I generally would start with blink, if I get ganked escaping is easy enough. I usually don't max it out till later on and try and get a few points into Mana Break and Spell Shield. I would especially try and max out Spell Shield if I was up against high damage nukers such as Zeus. In early laning try and get some safe hits off on enemies to break their mana a bit. So finally there is Mana Void which I level up where possible. It deals AoE so using it in a team fight to finish off one enemy can affect other enemies near by. So items that I like on AM early on would be a Stout Shield due to his awful strength stats, Tango, 3 Iron Branches and a Healing Salve. Many heroes will try shut you down early as they know what the wrath of a farmed AM is like so having regen is important and blink as well. In early laning you will need to get some boots and I like treads as well as a Ring of Regen. These should be obtained by the time laning is over. If you feel like your getting too heavily harassed get a wand with the Iron Branches. Anti Mage then needs to get a Battle Fury and I like to have this before the 20 minute mark. Farm farm farm! Manta Style is also one of AM signature items of choice so pick this up next for some illusions and some great stats. Well late game I like to look at getting a Skull Basher and/or a Heart of Tarrasque and/or a Butterfly. The earlier you get your Battle Fury the faster you can farm and get more of the luxury items. Abyssal Blade is also an effective item on AM which can be built from the Skull Basher. If you feel like you can't die and you are carrying hard then you can try your luck and grab a Divine Rapier. Apart from this I would also grab boots of travel late game to split push with your Manta Style if you need to push towers. 

This basically how I play AM and the main thing to keep in mind is early on stay away from team fights, try to avoid ganks and farm, farm, farm! 
Please remember I am still a noob and have just scratch the surface of my Dota 2 learning! I appreciate all and any feedback.

See y'all next post :) 

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